
Recommended News SourcesPublications, Bloggers and Experts


Great resources for writers & self-publishers

joannapenn1New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, Joanna Penn has been voted one of The Guardian UK Top 100 Creative Professionals 2013, and voted one of the Top 10 Blogs for Writers 3 years running, and one of the Top 10 Blogs for Self-Publishers 2012


Helping authors & publishers flourish in the digital age

janefriedman1Jane Friedman is the co-founder and publisher of Scratch, a magazine about writing and money. The former publisher of Writers Digest, Jane specializes in educating writers about the publishing industryfrom all perspectives, without hype or biasto help them make the best long-term decisions for their careers.


Successful hybrid author

hughhowey1Hugh Howey is a publishing sensation. His science fiction series Wool, which he first self-published through Kindle Direct Publishing, became a bestseller. 

Howey signed a deal with Simon and Schuster to distribute Wool to book retailers across the United States and Canada. The deal allowed Howey to continue to sell the book online exclusively. He turned down seven figure offers in favor of a mid-six figure sum, in return for maintaining e-book rights. Howey writes about trends in publishing on his blog.


Practical advice to help build better books.


Joel Friedlander is a book designer for publishers and for authors who decide to self-publish. He has a dedicated website with sophisticated templates for cover and interior designs using MS Word. He writes articles about book design, self-publishing, the future of books, and the indie publishing life.


Hybrid author / Successful blogger


James Altucher is one of the most popular bloggers in the world. A hybrid author who is both traditionally published and self-published, he has written many excellent articles on his blog with advice about self-publishing. James is also an entrepreneur and investor and has his own podcast.


Self-published author


Guy Kawasaki is the former chief evangelist of Apple, and the self-published author of APE, 

The thesis of APE is simple but powerful: When a self-publisher successfully fills three rolesauthor, publisher and entrepreneurthe potential benefits are greater than with traditional publishing. Guy has written twelve books beginning in 1987 with The Macintosh Way. His  book APE: How to Publish a Book gives detailed advice about how to publish your own book.


Writers Digest Magazine

Poets & Writers Magazine

Huffington PostSelf Publishing News

Publishers Weekly

Kirkus Reviews

Digital Book World

IBPA Magazine


@janefriedman (Jane Friedman)

@jaltucher (James Altucher)

@guykawasaki (Guy Kawasaki)

@jfbookman (Joel Friedlander)

@publishersweekly (Publishers Weekly)

@digibookworld (Digital Book World)

@barbarafreethy (Barbara Freethy)

@thecreativepenn (Joanna Penn)






Self Publishing Zone copyright 2016 Ģ 13033 Ridgedale Drive, Suite 167 Ģ Minnetonka, Minnesota 55305 PHONE: 952-595-8888
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